Telangana State Chief Secretary, Santhi Kumari, has instructed officials to make necessary arrangements for the closing ceremony of “Swatantra Bharat Vajrotsavalu.” The ceremony will take place on September 1st at Hitech City. During a high-level review meeting at the Dr BR Ambedkar Secretariat, the Chief Secretary announced that Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will be the Chief Guest. State ministers, MPs, MLCs, MLAs, chairpersons of various corporations, Mayors, Municipal Chairpersons, Zilla Parishad chairpersons, ZPTCs, and Mandal Parishad presidents will also be in attendance.
In addition to the closing ceremony, the State Culture Department has been instructed to organize cultural programs as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. To ensure the event runs smoothly, police and civic authorities have been asked to make foolproof arrangements. On the day of the program, there will be traffic diversions in place around the busy Hitech City area.