Hyderabad: The Election Commission has started preparing for the upcoming biennial elections in Telangana. This is because the terms of two Teachers and one Graduate MLCs (Members of the Legislative Council) will end on March 29, 2029.
C. Sudharshan Reddy, the State Chief Electoral Officer, had a video conference with District Election Officers (DEOs) and Electoral Registration Officers (EROs). During the meeting, the CEO explained the steps needed to conduct the elections smoothly and fill the vacant seats in the State Legislative Council.
The three MLCs whose terms are expiring represent different constituencies. These include the Medak-Nizamabad-Adilabad-Karimnagar Graduates’ Constituency, the Medak-Nizamabad-Adilabad-Karimnagar Teachers’ Constituency, and the Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers’ Constituency.