Hyderabad: Finance Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka criticized the BRS government while presenting the budget for the 2024-25 financial year. He revealed that Rs 80,440 crores were spent on the Rythu Bandhu scheme for farmers. However, this financial aid was given to many ineligible persons, owners of unused lands, and real estate businessmen. This misuse of funds violated the rules set by the previous government.
To address this, Vikramarka proposed that the Rythu Bandhu Scheme (RBS) with Rythu Bharosa should benefit real farmers more effectively. The assistance will be increased to Rs 15,000 per year. A cabinet sub-committee has toured various districts and consulted farmers, experts, and intellectuals. Their feedback will be presented to the Assembly for a detailed discussion to finalize the implementation of the scheme.
A new scheme will be launched this financial year to provide financial assistance of Rs 12,000 per year to improve the living and economic standards of agricultural laborers.
Vikramarka also highlighted the challenges farmers face due to droughts and floods. These natural calamities endanger crops and cause economic damage. To mitigate this, the government decided to extend farm insurance to farmers by joining the Pradhana Manthri Fasal Bhima Yojana (PMFBY) from this year. The state government will pay the crop insurance premium under this scheme.
He mentioned that farmers often suffer due to low prices for their products. To help, the government will encourage the cultivation of “Sanna Rice” (superfine rice). They have identified 33 superfine rice varieties, and farmers who cultivate these will receive Rs 500 per quintal.
Additionally, under the Rythu Nestham Scheme (RNS), the government aims to raise awareness among farmers about the latest technology and share the experiences of successful farmers. This program will be organized in collaboration with scientists from Professor Jaya Shankar Telangana Agriculture University (PJST).