The Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) is organizing protests across the state in response to a controversial tweet by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Congress leaders are accusing BJP leaders of editing Rahul Gandhi’s photos to make him look like Ravana, a character from Hindu mythology. The tweet also includes a caption calling Rahul Gandhi evil and accusing him of wanting to destroy India.
Congress leaders are very upset about this photo and caption, so they have called for protests in all districts of the state. The situation is tense as both parties participate in these protests, with Congress leaders demanding an apology from BJP for the edited photo and disrespectful caption.
In other news, the list of Telangana Congress candidates will be announced on October 10. The Congress Central Election Committee will finalize the candidates on this date. A meeting will be held at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) headquarters, where the list may be announced.
Before that, the Telangana Congress Screening Committee will have a meeting tomorrow to finalize the candidate list. The list will then be presented to the Central Election Committee for consideration.