Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has shared his confidence in Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi’s strong performance in the ongoing Wayanad Lok Sabha by-election. Posting on the social media platform ‘X’, Reddy highlighted that Priyanka’s vote count has already crossed 200,000, suggesting a landslide victory is within reach.
In this by-election, BJP candidate Navya Haridas has been trailing far behind since the early stages of vote counting. The election was necessitated by Rahul Gandhi’s decision to step down from representing the Wayanad constituency. Rahul had previously won the seat with an impressive majority of 364,000 votes during the last election.
This contest is particularly significant as it marks Priyanka Gandhi’s debut in a direct parliamentary election. Revanth Reddy expressed his belief that the people of Wayanad will recognize Priyanka’s efforts and reward her with a historic victory, paving the way for her first entry into Parliament.