Chief Minister Revanth Reddy spoke in the Telangana Assembly today. He shared his happiness about the recent Supreme Court decision on classifying Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST).
Reddy talked about the past actions of the previous administration. He mentioned that Sampath Kumar was suspended because he delayed the classification of the Madiga and Mala sub-castes.
The Chief Minister praised the efforts of the Telangana government. He said, “The hard work has paid off.” He also thanked Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka and Damodara Rajanarsimha. They had sent legal representatives to the Supreme Court for this case.
After the Supreme Court’s decision, Reddy promised that the state government will follow the court’s orders. He said that they will make sure the Madiga and Mala sub-castes get proper reservations in future job openings.