Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy of Hyderabad has requested NITI Aayog to increase the State allocations by the 16th Finance Commission. He also asked for funds to develop infrastructure in the health and education sectors. Additionally, he requested the release of remaining funds amounting to Rs1800 crore for the Backward Districts Development Grant. He made these requests in accordance with Section 94(2) of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act.
During a meeting with a delegation from NITI Aayog, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy also sought technical assistance for the development of Musi River, similar to the Sabarmati River front and Namami Gange projects. He proposed the establishment of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) along the Musi River Front. Furthermore, he discussed the need for a roadmap to develop Hyderabad as a pollution-free urban growth hub in collaboration with the Union government.
The NITI Aayog delegation, led by Vice Chairman Suman Kumar Bery, met with the Chief Minister at the Secretariat. They discussed various developmental issues, policy initiatives, and strategies to foster overall progress in the State. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy highlighted the State’s priorities and areas that require special attention. The NITI Aayog officials actively engaged in discussions to understand the specific needs of the State and explore avenues for comprehensive development.
The meeting also addressed the importance of building skills in engineering college students, particularly in artificial intelligence, cyber security, and data sciences. The officials emphasized the significance of harnessing solar energy and discussed the establishment of the State Institution for Transformation (SIT) under the State Support Mission.
The meeting demonstrated a commitment to cooperative federalism and advancing the welfare of the people. NITI Aayog requested the State’s participation in governing council meetings to foster better collaborations and achieve a shared vision. The Chief Minister assured constructive support and cooperation for all initiatives of the policy-making apex body.