The tallest statue of Dr. BR Ambedkar was unveiled in Hyderabad on Friday. State Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari said that the statue would be a source of inspiration for all people, including tourists who visit the city. She also said that the statue would be known as ‘Chaitanya Deepti’ or light of consciousness.
Kumari mentioned that Telangana has seen impressive growth in GSDP and per capita income. The GSDP has tripled to Rs 13.27 lakh crore and the per capita income is Rs 317,115. She praised the government for implementing welfare and development programs for the poor, including the Dalit Bandhu scheme, which is a role model for the country.
Kumari concluded her address by thanking Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for achieving great results in implementing these schemes in a short period of time.