Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has introduced a new scheme called the Rajiv Gandhi Civil Abhaya Hastham at Praja Bhavan. This scheme is designed to provide financial help to state candidates who have passed the Civil Services prelims exam.
The scheme will be implemented with the help of the Singareni organization. It aims to support these candidates as they prepare for the Civil Services mains exam, offering them the necessary resources and assistance.
In an interview with successful candidates, CM Revanth Reddy emphasized the government’s dedication to filling all job vacancies in the state. He assured that the government is focused on creating opportunities for the unemployed and addressing their concerns through timely recruitment processes.
Revanth Reddy also highlighted the importance of encouraging Civil Services candidates. He stated that those who clear the mains exam should be given suitable job placements to further their careers.
A tweet from Informed Alerts mentioned that the new scheme will provide ₹1 lakh to those who qualify for the UPSC Civil Services prelims. The event in Hyderabad also honored achievers of the UPSC 2023 exam.
The Chief Minister announced that all job vacancies will be filled before December 9th, with notifications already issued on June 2nd. He stressed the importance of having IAS and IPS officers for the state and encouraged successful Civil Services candidates to consider serving in Telangana after achieving their goals.
The launch of the Rajiv Gandhi Civil Abhaya Hastham scheme shows the government’s commitment to supporting job seekers in Telangana.