The BJP state president Bandi Sanjay has filed a complaint with Karimnagar police, claiming that he lost his mobile phone during his arrest by the police on Tuesday night. The ongoing tussle between BRS party and the BJP party in the state has taken a new twist with this development.
In his complaint, Sanjay stated that he realized he had lost his mobile phone, which had the number 7680006600, while being shifted from Karimnagar town to BommalaRamaram police station. He also mentioned that he was using his sister Dr Sowmya’s SIM for security reasons.
Sanjay alleged that he had informed the police about his lost phone during his remand in Kamalapur police station. He also claimed that his advocates had informed the magistrate about the same during the course of bail arguments. Sanjay requested the police to trace his phone as it contained important contact numbers and other information.
However, the police have been alleging that Sanjay had hidden his mobile phone after the leakage of the SSC question paper and not handed it over to the investigation officer despite being asked to do so.
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