A 20-year-old bakery worker in Hyderabad died after falling from a four-storey building where he was meeting his girlfriend for a pizza date. The incident occurred in the Borabanda area of Hyderabad. The young man was trying to hide from the girl’s father when he slipped and fell to the ground early Monday morning.
According to the police, Mohammed Shoaib had gone to his girlfriend’s house to meet her. While they were on the terrace, they heard someone approaching. Shoaib tried to hide in a corner, holding onto some cables. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell from the terrace.
Shoaib was taken to Osmania General Hospital where he passed away around 5:30 a.m. The Borabanda police are investigating whether Shoaib fell accidentally or if he jumped off the building.
Shoaib had recently become friends with the girl. She wanted pizza, so he went to her house late at night with a pizza.