In Gadwal, a former Sarpanch named Krishnaveni and a teacher named Seshanna Sagara’s daughter, Srinitha, celebrated her birthday in a special way. She decided to give school bags to students at Jaki Reddy Pally Primary School.
The event was attended by Mandal Education Officer Narasimhulu, who handed out the school bags. The students were very happy to receive them.
During the event, Narasimhulu spoke about the importance of making meaningful contributions to society. He mentioned that funds are often wasted on different programs, but this initiative was a great example of how to use resources wisely. He praised the effort to provide necessary materials to government school students.
Many key figures attended the event. Among them were Konkala Complex Headmaster Abdul Anwar Haq, School Headmaster Teja, school land donor Venkatesh, Anganwadi teacher Lakshmi Devi, MV Foundation representative Hanimi Reddy, teachers, village elders, and youth.
This thoughtful act not only brought joy to the students but also showed the community the importance of supporting education.