BRS Sanathnagar candidate, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, expressed that a significant amount of development work worth Rs.1,400 crores has been carried out in the Sanathnagar constituency, which was unexpected. He credited KCR for making Telangana a model state in terms of development. Talasani campaigned in various areas of Monda Division, going from house to house and urging people to vote for BRS.
Talasani emphasized that the progress achieved in the nine and a half years since the formation of Telangana surpasses what was accomplished in the previous 50 years. He assured that the government will continue to prioritize welfare schemes. If the BRS government is re-elected, they plan to provide subsidized gas cylinders and rice.
BRS party offices were inaugurated in Bandimet and Adaiyanagar. The program was attended by former corporator Akula Roopa, as well as leaders Skylab Yadav, Nagulu, Harikrishna, and others.
Talasani Srinivas Yadav, the BRS candidate for Sanathnagar, believes that the development programs implemented in the Bansi Lalpet division over the past nine years will lead him to victory in the upcoming elections. He conducted a door-to-door campaign in areas such as Narsimha Cycle Shop Chowrastha, Evergreen Association, and Arogya Shree Supermarket in Bholakpur under Bansilalpet Division.
During his campaign, Talasani highlighted the ongoing development and welfare schemes for the benefit of the poor under the BRS government. He urged the people to support him with a decisive majority.