A spiritual meeting was held by the Arya Vaishyas in Classic Gardens, under the Secunderabad Cantonment Constituency. Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav, who is in charge of the Cantonment BRS election, and Lasya Nandita, the MLA candidate for Cantonment BRS, attended the gathering. They also participated in a special puja organized for this occasion.
During the meeting, Minister Talasani expressed the importance of hoisting the pink flag in the cantonment. He highlighted the development projects that were initiated by the late MLA Sayanna and urged everyone to vote for the pink party that prioritizes progress.
Following Minister Talasani’s remarks, the Vaishya representatives declared their full support for BRS and emphasized that development can only be achieved with the pink flag. Various leaders and representatives from the Arya Vaishya community also participated in this meeting.