Sanathnagar Assembly BRS candidate, Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav, conducted a door-to-door campaign in various areas as part of the election campaign. He was warmly welcomed at every house with shawls and garlands. The minister stated that they aim to make the poor rich.
He mentioned that the problems in Eswaramma Basti and Padmarao Nagar have been solved, and if there are any more problems, the BRS government will come again to solve them. He assured the construction of double bedroom houses with facilities in Hamali Basti after the elections. He also mentioned the establishment of Basti Dawakhana for the convenience of Basti residents, where free tests and medicines will be provided.
The minister highlighted the recent inauguration of a new Bodrai in Hamali Basti according to the wishes of the people. He stated that he is always with the people and not just during elections. He promised various benefits if the BRS government comes to power again, including affordable cooking gas cylinders, quality rice through ration, increased pension, and free medical services up to Rs. 15 lakh.
He urged the residents to support the BRS party and vote for the car symbol. The residents openly declared their support for him. Along with the minister, other party leaders and officials were present during the campaign.
In another event, Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav was welcomed by students of Sai Vigyan Bharati College with rose flowers. He addressed the students and emphasized the implementation of development programs by the Telangana government. He encouraged the students to inform their parents about voting for the car symbol in the upcoming elections.