Topic: market
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Potential for Solana (SOL) Price to Surge to an Unprecedented High within the Next 12 Hours
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The post Can Solana (SOL) Price Reach a New All-Time High in the Next 12 Hours? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News
After successfully dethroning Binance Coin (BNB) in the fourth position last week, Sonala (SOL) is now preparing for the much-awaited rally to price discovery. The large-cap altcoin has surged over 50 percent in the last two weeks to trade at about $242 on Monday, November 18, during the early European market. Consequently, Solana’s market cap …
Which Would You Prefer: Caste Census or Skill Census?
The topic of a caste census has sparked significant debate. The Congress party argues that a caste census will reshape India's political landscape and...
State Experiences Significant Surge in Fine Rice Production Due to Rs 500 Bonus
Telangana Sees Big Growth in Fine Paddy ProductionTelangana has seen a large increase in the production of fine paddy varieties. The state government’s decision...
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An analysis from QCP Capital highlights bitcoin’s latest breakout and future trends. QCP: Bitcoin’s Rally Tied to Inflation Data, Trump Policies, and Market Shifts Bitcoin (BTC) achieved a record high of $93.4K during the New York trading session, according to the market update from QCP Capital. QCP analysts noted that the rally occurred following U.S. […]
Bitcoin Momentum Pushes Toward $120K Despite Market Hazards, Says QCP
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![QCP Sees Bitcoin Momentum Pushing Toward $120K Despite Market Hazards](
MLA Padmavathi Launches Free Lunch Program for Library Visitors
Suryapet: MLA Nalamada Padmavathi Supports Development of District LibraryKodad MLA Nalamada Padmavathi has pledged her support for the development of the district library in...
DCA Conducts Raids on Unlicensed Medical Shops, Confiscates Drugs
Hyderabad: The Telangana State Drug Control Administration (TSDCA) conducted raids at an unlicensed medical store in Hyderabad and other areas of the state on...
Central Zone Police Crack Case of Lawyer Kalyan’s Assault and Mobile Theft
The Central Zone police have solved the case involving the assault on a lawyer named Kalyan and the theft of his mobile phone at...
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