India’s top startup incubator, T-Hub, has made a big move to support the domestic defence and aerospace sector. They launched the SIDBI-T-Hub Funding Programme and signed strategic MoUs with key industry players. This initiative was revealed during the National Defence and Aerospace Innovation Summit (DIAS), showing a commitment to innovation, collaboration, and national security.
T-Hub signed MoUs with important organizations like KAVACHH, International Institute For Space Studies and Research (IISSR), Directorate of Defence Research and Development, Israel, Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL), Collins Aerospace, College of Defence Management, and Indian School of Business. These partnerships will promote knowledge exchange, accelerate technological progress, and create an environment for innovation in defence and aerospace.
The SIDBI-T-Hub Funding Programme aims to support emerging startups in the defence and aerospace sectors by bridging financial gaps. This will help nurture innovation and develop advanced technologies to meet national security needs.
Telangana’s IT Special Chief Secretary Jayesh Ranjan emphasized the state’s focus on advancing defence and aerospace technology. By hosting events like the Defence and Aerospace Innovation Summit, Telangana aims to establish itself as a leader in these sectors, showcasing its workforce and innovative strategies on national and global stages.
T-Hub’s CEO Mahankali Srinivas Rao highlighted how initiatives like the Defence and Aerospace Innovation Summit empower startups to create solutions for industry challenges. The global space market presents opportunities for startups to lead in innovation, and by connecting startups with corporates and promoting networking, T-Hub is shaping the future of space exploration and defence solutions in line with India’s self-reliant spirit.