The consecration ceremony of Ram Mandiram in Ayodhya is scheduled to take place on January 22, 2024, between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel (SVBC), under the auspices of TTD, will broadcast the Vedic and spiritual rituals in Ayodhya temple on its Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi channels, as well as on the SVBC Telugu YouTube channel.
The consecration ceremony events in Ayodhya will be telecast live on the SVBC Telugu channel until 12 noon. After that, Tirumala Srivari Kalyanam will be telecast live as usual from 12 noon. TTD is urging devotees to watch the Ayodhya Prana Pratista ceremony on SVBC Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi channels to receive divine blessings.
In Tirumala, the 6th Edition of Ayodhyakanda Akhanda Parayanam took place on Sunday morning. The event was broadcasted live by SVBC between 7 am to 9 am. A total of 224 shlokas were recited during the event, led by esteemed Dharmagiri Vedic scholars. The program also included performances by the artistes of the Annamacharya Project.
The event saw the active participation of TTD officials, scholars, and a large number of devoted attendees.