Speculations are circulating that Raja Singh, the suspended BJP MLA of Goshamahal constituency, might join BRS. This speculation gained traction after his meeting with health minister T Harish Rao. Raja Singh was suspended about a year ago for making comments that offended Muslim minorities. He was arrested and sent to jail, and the BJP has not yet revoked his suspension. Some leaders have requested the party’s national leadership to consider lifting his suspension, but there has been no positive indication so far. Upset by this cold response, Raja Singh is said to be considering joining the pink party.
However, Raja Singh clarified that he has no plans to join BRS. He met with Harish Rao to discuss upgrading the government hospital in his constituency from 30 beds to 50 beds. Raja Singh had been making this request for a long time and had previously denied reports of planning to contest the next Assembly elections as an independent candidate if his suspension was not lifted. He stated that he would not run in the elections if his suspension remained in place.