The Mulugu District Collector, Ila Tripathi, visited the Praja Palana application center in Vengalapur village panchayat of Tadwai mandal. She announced that the state government has started a public administration program, accepting applications from December 28 to January 6, except on December 31 and January 1.
Tripathi explained that each family should submit only one declaration for insurance and six guarantees. Application forms will be distributed door-to-door as per government regulations. People should submit their applications at designated counters in the villages to receive a receipt.
She clarified that a ration card is not the only requirement for the application process; photocopies of Aadhaar cards can also be used. Tripathi urged people not to believe rumors and assured that every application would be accepted. She advised applicants to keep their application receipts and numbers.
For those who are currently not in the villages, applications will be accepted once every month. Tripathi instructed officials to assist illiterate applicants and set up separate counters for those without ration cards.
DM&HO Dr. Appiah, DE Nageswara Rao from the Electricity Department, Secretary Narmada, and other officials were also present at the event.