Nagar Kurnool District’s Legal Service Authority Chairman and Principal District Sessions Judge, D. Rajesh Babu, recently conducted a surprise inspection at the sub-jail in the district headquarters. During the inspection, he looked into the infrastructure provided to the prisoners, checked the food items served to them, and inspected the kitchens thoroughly.
The inspection also included checking the availability of vegetables, rice, and other essential items, as well as examining the store rooms and bathrooms. The functioning of CCTV cameras in the prison was also reviewed. Additionally, officials were instructed to ensure that the library had an adequate supply of books for the prisoners.
Furthermore, Judge D. Rajesh Babu directed officials to maintain cleanliness in and around the sub-jail. The District Legal Service Authority Secretary, G Sabitha, along with the jailor Nagaraju, jail staff, court staff, and others were present during this inspection.