On Sunday, people remembered Suravaram Pratap Reddy, who was a freedom fighter, Telangana ideologue, and editor of Golkonda Magazine, on his 127th birth anniversary. Ministers V Srinivas Goud and Singireddy Niranjan Reddy went to Tank Bund and put flowers on his statue to pay their respects.
The ministers talked about the great work that Suravaram Pratap Reddy did for India and Telangana, and they said that it’s important for everyone to know about his life and work. Minister Niranjan Reddy mentioned that Suravaram was the first elected MLA from Wanaparthy Assembly constituency, but he passed away only 14 months after becoming a member of the Assembly.
To honor Suravaram Pratap Reddy’s work, a statue of him was installed in Wanaparthy town. His biography has already been written in two volumes, and a third volume is being worked on, which will be released during Telugu Bhasha Dinotsvam.