Hyderabad: The Jubilee Hills MLA, Maganti Gopinath, and his followers attacked his own party activist, Ganesh Singh, over a Bonalu flex in Vengalrao Nagar on Sunday. The attack was caught on CCTV and went viral on social media, resulting in criticism for the MLA.
The incident took place during the Bonalu festival when Ganesh Singh, a BRS activist, put up a flexi in Vengalrao Nagar. Maganti Gopinath, who is the city president of the BRS, along with his followers, went to Ganesh’s house and started arguing with him. The MLA was reportedly upset about the photo of another BRS leader, Ravula Sridhar Reddy, displayed on the flexi. Sridhar Reddy, who was previously in the BJP, joined the BRS party and has been active in the constituency.
During the argument, Gopinath’s followers were seen arguing with Ganesh. Eventually, Ganesh’s father also got involved. Despite the presence of police personnel, the altercation escalated and some of Gopinath’s followers pushed Ganesh and his father. The entire incident was captured on CCTV footage.