India’s diversity and its achievements make it the perfect country to hold the G20 presidency at this time, according to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership and emphasized the importance of the UK-India relationship. Sunak also expressed his commitment to working with India to address global challenges such as the economy and climate change.
Sunak also discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine, stating that if President Vladimir Putin is allowed to invade a sovereign country without consequences, it will have severe repercussions for the world. He emphasized the UK’s support for Ukraine in defending itself and called for Putin to withdraw his troops to bring an end to the conflict.
The prime minister stressed the importance of democracy and the role that both the UK and India play as major democracies. He concluded by stating that peace is desired by all, but it is up to Putin to make the decision to end the war by withdrawing his troops.