Maoists in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh are reportedly printing fake currency in Bastar Dandakaranyam. The police conducted a combing operation in Bejji of Sukma district and raided a training camp at Korajguda. During the raid, security forces seized printing equipment and fake currency worth Rs.43 thousand.
The Maoists are providing training to area committees specifically on printing fake currency. It is believed that top Maoist leaders have received training in printing, and each area committee undergoes two months of training. Authorities suspect that the mass printing of fake currency is an attempt to harm the country’s economy.
Sukma SP Kiran Chauhan expressed concerns about the Maoists resorting to printing fake currency due to financial difficulties. The security forces have disrupted the chain link that supplies money and goods to the Maoists. This discovery suggests that the fake currency printing operation is aimed at causing damage to the country’s economy or currency system.