In Khammam, Resonance Junior College Directors RV Nagendra Kumar and K Sridhar Rao announced that their students performed well in the EAPCET entrance exams. They shared the ranks of their students with the media. Among their students, B Kiran Kumar Reddy secured rank 1541, M Sai Sri Harsha got 2205, K Yashvanth got 3699, P Ankush Varma got 4413, P Nikhil Sai got 4451, D Sravista got 4739, M Sai Laxmi Ankitha got 5389, and A Jeevan Kumar got 7295.
Moreover, students G Harika got 2543, Y Likhitha got 4527, A Sai Pragna got 7777, and MD Farhana Began got 8405 ranks in the Agricultural sector.