Student groups, led by NSUI, will be protesting against the NEET paper leak scam by laying siege to the Raj Bhavan in Hyderabad on Monday. The protest will include student organisations such as SFI, AISF, PDSU, VJS, AIPSU, PYS, DYFI, AIYF, PYL, and YJS.
The demonstration will begin with a march from the Indira Gandhi statue at Necklace road towards Raj Bhavan Road. The student leaders are demanding that the Union government conduct a probe supervised by a sitting judge of the Supreme Court. They are also calling for the termination of the National Testing Agency (NTA), which is responsible for conducting the NEET exam and is being blamed for the leak.
The student groups believe that holding the NTA accountable and conducting an independent investigation are essential steps to address the issue of the NEET paper leak.