During the toss before the Chennai Super Kings vs Lucknow Super Giants game at Chepauk on Monday, a stray dog entered the ground and delayed the start of the match. After winning the toss, Lucknow Super Giants captain K.L. Rahul elected to bowl first against Chennai Super Kings. The delay caused by the stray dog has gone viral on social media. Despite the delay, the match eventually began, and Chennai Super Kings played an IPL match at Chepauk, their designated home venue, after 1427 days. In terms of team updates, Lucknow Super Giants made one change to their playing eleven, with Yash Thakur replacing Jaydev Unadkat. Chennai Super Kings, on the other hand, remained unchanged from their previous match.
Stray Dog Causes Delay in CSK vs LSG Match at Chepauk, Amusing Players and Fans
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