The monsoon session of the Assembly in Hyderabad is expected to be a short one, lasting about 4 days. The main opposition party, Congress, plans to raise issues such as the regularisation of Village Revenue Assistants’ services and the decision to merge TSRTC with the government. Congress leaders claim that the Chief Minister is making announcements in response to the aggressive campaigning and promises made by the Congress party. They also intend to raise concerns about recent heavy rains and crop damage caused by floods.
Congress leaders are critical of the government’s decision to merge TSRTC with the government without thorough discussion on the details. They question why this decision was made so close to the elections. Congress legislators plan to stage a dharna (protest) in the Assembly on various issues.
The ruling party, on the other hand, has stated that they are open to discussing any issue but will not tolerate protests or disturbances inside the House. They emphasize that the Assembly is meant for discussions, not disruptions.
The BJP aims to counter the government on issues such as the alleged step-motherly attitude of the Centre towards the state and the lack of special funds being given to the state.
Security has been tightened around the Assembly premises, with a large police force deployed. Prohibitory orders, including Section 144 and restrictions on vehicle movement, will be imposed during the session. A special police team is monitoring the movements of leaders from various organizations and opposition parties near the Assembly.
Overall, the monsoon session is expected to be eventful as various parties raise their concerns and engage in discussions on important matters.