During her visit to New Delhi, Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari met with senior officials of the Union government to request clearances for pending projects in Telangana state. She had meetings with Defence Secretary Giridhar, Union Environment and Forests Secretary Leela Nandan, and Union Roads, Transport and National Highways Secretary Anurag Jain.
Santhi Kumari informed the Defence Secretary that 150.39 acres of land was needed for the construction of two elevated corridors and a proposed sky-walk. She requested the transfer of this land to the State government and assured that alternate lands would be provided to the Defence ministry.
The Defence Secretary promised to address the issue promptly in response to her appeal. Following this meeting, Santhi Kumari and a delegation from the State met with Union Environment and Forests Secretary Leela Nandan. They appealed for the approval of 60 pending proposals at the National Wildlife Conservation Board.
The Chief Secretary also requested a special meeting of the National Board for Wildlife Committee to expedite permission for Forest department works in affected areas. Lastly, she met with Union Roads, Transport and National Highways Secretary Anurag Jain to address pending issues related to regional ring road construction in the State.