Starting May 17, the Secunderabad-Tirupati Vande Bharat Express train will run with 16 coaches instead of 8 due to high demand from passengers traveling from Secunderabad to Tirupati. Union Minister Kishan Reddy announced the addition of the coaches on Twitter in response to persistent demand and 100% occupancy. The 20701 SC-TPTY train will depart 15 minutes later at 6:15 AM from Secunderabad station and arrive at Tirupati at the same time of 14:30, while the return train will start from Tirupati at 15:15 hrs and reach Secunderabad 15 minutes earlier at 23:30 hrs.
Passengers and pilgrims traveling to Tirumala have faced difficulties in making reservations, prompting complaints to the Union Minister Kishan Reddy. The Secunderabad-Tirupati Vande Bharat Express has eight coaches, including seven AC coaches and one executive coach.