Srivari laddu prasadams, intended for distribution to devotees on January 22 during the Vigraha Pratista of Sri Ram Lala at the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, have been sent from Srivari Seva Sadan-1 to Tirupati Airport. The TTD Board decided to send one lakh laddus to Ayodhya for the consecration ceremony. TTD Chairman Bhumana Karunakara Reddy and EO AV Dharma Reddy played a special role in preparing the laddus with pure ghee. Trust Board member Sourabh Bora and former board member J Rameshwar Rao donated 2,000 kgs each of pure and traditional ghee for making the laddus.
The laddus were packed in 350 boxes by Srivari Sevaks and were transported directly to Ayodhya from Tirupati airport through a special cargo by Aerogroup. The arrangement for this was made by TTD board member Sharatchandra Reddy. The Srivari laddus will be handed over to Sri Ramajanmabhumi Theertha Kshetra Trust at Ayodhya on Saturday.
During the dispatching of the laddus, the premises of Seva Sadan echoed with chants of Jai Sri Ram and Govinda Namas as devotees and sevaks chanted the divine names. Health officer Dr. Sridevi, CPRO Dr. T Ravi, DyEO General Siva Prasad, AEO Potu Srinivasulu, and other staff were also present during the occasion.