Around 200 senior leaders and activists from Ravi Narayana Reddy Nagar, Gajularamaram Division of Quthbullapur constituency have joined the BJP. This happened under the leadership of BJP Divisional In-charge Dugyala Prasad, in the presence of Quthbullapur BJP candidate Koona Srisailam Goud. The leaders and activists stated that they are joining the BJP to support the victory of Kuna Srisailam Goud in Qutbullapur.
During the event, Srisailam Goud mentioned that the countdown has begun for the BRS party in Quthbullapur. He also stated that the BRS party will be empty by November 30. He emphasized that people are on the side of the Bharatiya Janata Party and are voluntarily joining to contribute to the BJP’s success. Srisailam Goud highlighted the problems faced by people due to revenue issues and criticized the BRS party as a fraudulent party. He further stated that if all the leaders are in BRS and Congress, the people are supporting BJP.
Several individuals joined the Bharatiya Janata Party, including Bhaskara Rao A Srinivasa Rao, N Srinivasa Rao, PN Murthy, Ramesh Babu, G Srinivasa Rao, Jagadish, Dharma Rao, Kanaka Rao, Vaikuntha Rao, Manmadha Rao, Ramulu, K Srinivasa Rao, M Srinivasa Rao, Narasimhulu, Jagannadha Rao, Ganapathy, Ramesh, Kurumaiah, Bhaskara Rao, Krishna Goud, Raghupathi, Appanna, Ravikumar Goud, Shankar, Chanti, Mokalingam, Mallesh, Rama Rao, Srinubabu, B Srinubabu, Suresh, Govinda, Kurmarao, Vignesh, and others. The program was attended by BJP division president Sainath Neta, as well as leaders Murali Mohan Rao, Lakshmaiah, and others.