A literary celebration called Sahitya Dinotsavam is happening in Telangana to celebrate the Telangana Decade. On Sunday, Tourism Minister Srinivas Goud and Minister Mahmood Ali went to the Telangana Sahitya Day and Kavi Sammelanam at Ravindra Bharati. They wanted to honour Urdu and Telugu poets for their contributions. Minister Srinivas Goud said that poets from all 33 districts will be given awards for their literary skills. He also talked about the Ganga Jamuna Tehzeeb, which shows the cultural harmony of Telangana.
Minister Srinivas Goud didn’t like how previous governments only cared about themselves, so he talked about how the government wants to help young people get a good education. As part of the decade celebrations, Sahitya Day is being celebrated all over Telangana. Poet associations are being created in every district to show off Telangana’s literary heritage. Poetry competitions will be held for people to win prizes.