Hyderabad’s Minister for IT and Industries, D Sridhar Babu, has declared that Telangana possesses the most vibrant aerospace ecosystem in the country. He made this statement during the unveiling of Adani Defence & Aerospace’s indigenously manufactured Drishti 10 Starliner Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for the Indian Navy. The event took place at the Adani Defence and Aerospace Center in Shamshabad, on the outskirts of Hyderabad.
Minister Sridhar Babu emphasized that the Aerospace, Aviation, and Space industries are a significant focus for Telangana. The state government has established various aerospace and allied parks to accommodate aerospace manufacturing, servicing, engineering, and training companies. Telangana’s industrial policy is regarded as highly industry-friendly, with over 1000 MSMEs operating in the Aerospace and allied sectors. The state also regularly organizes supply chain events with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to integrate local MSMEs into the global aerospace supply chain. Global OEMs such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, GE Aviation, Safran, Rafael Advanced Systems, and Elbit Systems have made substantial investments in Telangana.
It is worth noting that Telangana has received the Best State Awards for Aerospace from the Ministry of Civil Aviation three times consecutively (in 2018, 2020, and 2022). The state has also been ranked first in the sector from 2016 to 2020. Hyderabad specifically was recognized as the most cost-effective Aerospace city of the future in the Financial Times FDA Global Rankings for 2020-21.
Adani Defence & Aerospace has chosen Hyderabad as its first location for establishing defense capabilities. In just 10 months, they have set up the first carbon aerostructures manufacturing line for UAVs. Adani has engaged with more than 25 suppliers in Hyderabad and has been awarded seven prestigious missile programs by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). They plan to further increase investments and allied capabilities in Defense and Aerospace manufacturing in Telangana.
Minister Sridhar Babu assured Adani Group of the state government’s support for their projects in Telangana. The government aims to create an ecosystem that provides a level playing field for all players in the aerospace and other sectors, contributing to the progress and development of the state.