Speaker Pocharam Srinivas Reddy informed a woman in Banswada Rural on July 10th that the Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has approved the construction of double bedroom houses. He delivered this message while visiting the Borella Mandal in Kamareddy district on Monday to supervise development activities.
During his visit to oversee the construction of the Kurum Sangham building, he noticed the dilapidated condition of the houses and the polythene-covered roofs. He also spoke to a woman who was inside her house while her bullock cart was parked outside. Speaker Pocharam suggested that the woman should participate in the Gruh Lakshmi scheme, which aims to provide housing for all. He also advised her to seek assistance from the gram sarpanch in order to construct a house for her family.
The woman expressed her gratitude to Speaker Pocharam for his advice and thanked him for his support. She expressed her hope that she would be able to build a new house with the help of the government’s initiatives. The Speaker assured her that the government is committed to providing affordable housing for all and that she would receive assistance in constructing a new home.
The Chief Minister’s approval for the construction of double bedroom houses is seen as a significant step towards fulfilling the government’s promise of providing housing for all. The initiative aims to improve the living conditions of families who are currently residing in dilapidated houses or temporary shelters. The construction of double bedroom houses will not only provide them with a safe and secure place to live but also enhance their overall quality of life.
The Gruh Lakshmi scheme, introduced by the government, is another important step towards achieving the goal of housing for all. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance and support to individuals and families who are unable to afford a house on their own. By participating in this scheme, individuals can access financial resources and technical expertise to construct their own homes.
The visit of Speaker Pocharam to the Borella Mandal highlights the government’s commitment to addressing the housing needs of the people in rural areas. It demonstrates the government’s proactive approach towards development and its focus on improving the living conditions of its citizens. The Chief Minister’s approval for the construction of double bedroom houses and the encouragement of the Gruh Lakshmi scheme are clear indications of the government’s determination to ensure that no one is left behind in terms of access to affordable housing.
Overall, the visit of Speaker Pocharam Srinivas Reddy to Banswada Rural and his announcement regarding the construction of double bedroom houses have brought hope and optimism to the woman and other families in need. The government’s initiatives and schemes will undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of their living conditions and provide them with a brighter future.