SP K Srujana from Gadwal advised police officers to provide better services to the public. At a review meeting, the SP asked for details on under investigation cases, both grave and non-grave. She explained how investigation should be done and that quality investigation should be done in every case. Pending theft cases should also be investigated quickly.
The SP recommended using cutting edge technology and innovative thoughts in investigations. SLS should monitor data entry in CCTNS daily and non-bailable warrants should be executed quickly. Extensive awareness programmes should be conducted in villages on control of road accidents and cyber crimes.
Traffic CI was advised to make arrangements to paint traffic signals where required on NH-44. Sign boards, barricade, rumbles, and minor works should be taken up immediately. Proactive patrolling with blue colt should be done in urban and rural areas.
The SP urged officials to work hard to serve the public and to be friendly with every complainant who comes to stations. “Conduct transparent investigation on every complaint and take immediate action as per law.” Multiple officers attended the meeting, including AO Sathish Kumar, SB CI Shiva Kumar, DCRB CI Srinivas, CCS CI Venkateswarlu, Gadwal CI Chandra Sekhar, Alampur CI Surya Naik, and RI Nagesh, along with all SIs in the district.