South Central Railway has achieved its highest-ever revenue of Rs 18,973.14 crores during the financial year 2022-23. The General Manager of SCR, Arun Kumar Jain, stated that the zone delivered exceptional performance in various segments and achieved its best-ever performance since its inception. The zone earned Rs. 14,266 crores in 2021-22 and Rs. 15,708.88 crores in 2018-19.
SCR earned the best-ever revenue on both passenger and freight segments. The zone achieved the best-ever originating freight loading and revenue of 131.854 million tonnes and Rs. 13,051.10 crores, respectively. On the passenger front, SCR reintroduced 100% Mail Express Trains in its jurisdiction and achieved its best-ever originating passenger revenue of Rs. 5,140.70 crores in 2022-23.
The achievement of the zone in both passenger and freight segments was supported by workshops that gave the best-ever Periodic Overhaul (POH) outturn in the last financial year. The senior officer of SCR noted that the best-ever outturn for coaches was in 2019-20, with 2,966 coaches, and for wagons, it was 6,018 wagons in 2018-19.
In terms of passengers, 255.59 million originating passengers traveled from SCR in 2022-23, compared to 127.4 million in 2021-22. The operating ratio of the zone also improved from 98.25% in 2021-22 to 88.23% in 2022-23.