Telangana BJP chief Bandi Sanjay is unhappy with recent developments in the party. It is rumored that the party leadership is considering giving Bandi the role of Union Minister or a prominent position in national politics. Additionally, it appears that the responsibilities of the Telangana party will be handed over to Union Minister Kishan Reddy. An official announcement is expected in the next few days.
Party state affairs in-charge Tarun Chugh and Union Minister Kishan Reddy have previously stated that Sanjay will remain as president until the upcoming state assembly elections later this year. However, Bandi has expressed his dissatisfaction with the news of a potential change in leadership to his close friends.
Bandi has reportedly stated that he will continue to be an activist if someone else is given the party responsibilities. Former Minister Vijayarama Rao also tweeted that if someone other than Sanjay is appointed, there will be no new additions to the party and people may even leave.
Overall, these developments have caused tension within the Telangana BJP and have raised concerns about its future.