The BJP has decided to make Eatala Rajender the chairman of the campaign committee. They promised him this position when he joined the BJP after quitting BRS. Eatala has been working hard to bring leaders from other parties into the BJP, but this process has been difficult after the recent Karnataka Assembly results. He had meetings with former minister Jupally Krishna Rao and former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, who seemed interested in joining the BJP at first but changed their minds after the Karnataka results. They even suggested that Eatala might quit the BJP.
Eatala spoke informally with some media persons and said that certain acts of the centre, such as going slow regarding the ED case against Kavitha and certain other decisions, had led to a loss of image for the party. He said that those who wanted to join were confused. In response to these comments, the national leadership spoke to Eatala and assured him that he would be appointed as the chairman of the campaign committee.