On September 17, there will be important political events in Telangana. The Congress party and the BJP will both hold public meetings on that day. The Congress party’s meeting will take place in Tukkuguda, while the BJP’s meeting will be held at the Parade Grounds in Secunderabad.
Sonia Gandhi, the former president of the Congress party, will attend the Tukkuguda meeting. Amit Shah, the leader of the BJP and Union Home Minister, is expected to attend the Liberation Day celebrations at the Parade Grounds, just like last year.
The Congress party has planned a huge public meeting with 10 lakh people on September 17. Tukkuguda was chosen as the location for this meeting because the CWC meetings will be held in the city on September 16 and 17.
Both the Telangana PCC and the BJP are taking these meetings seriously. It is anticipated that both parties will criticize the KCR-led BRS government in their public meetings.