In Madanapalle town in Annamayya district, the police have registered a case against a man for attacking his parents over a property dispute. The incident, where the son assaulted his parents, was captured on video and shared on social media, causing a stir.
The elderly couple, Venkataramana Reddy and Lakshmamma, living in Ayodhya Nagar in Madanapalle, have two sons. A dispute over property arose in the family, leading the younger son, Srinivasulu Reddy, to become impatient and assault his parents. The entire incident was recorded on video and went viral on social media.
After the video circulated online, the Madanapalle II Town Police conducted inquiries with the help of the media and the community to identify the victims and gather information about what happened. Venkataramana Reddy and Lakshmamma, who were hospitalized due to their injuries, provided statements to the police.
During their investigation, the police discovered that Srinivasulu Reddy was upset that the property had not been distributed fairly among the brothers. As a result, a case was filed against him for his actions.