The official committee on Dharani is planning to call former Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar to ask him questions about how the Dharani portal works. The committee, led by Principal Secretary Land Revenue and Registration Naveen Mittal, wants to understand the technical aspects of the portal and how land registrations and title deeds are handled.
The committee will also meet with other officials involved in the creation of the portal and investigate the role of contract agencies hired to manage it. There have been concerns about how the portal was developed and its performance since its launch in October 2020.
During their first meeting, the committee discussed the issues with the portal and the challenges in addressing complaints from farmers regarding missing land data. Committee member Kodanda Reddy stated that the main goal is to resolve these issues and address the grievances of farmers who have been waiting for clear title deeds and mutations for a long time.
Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has already announced plans to replace the Dharani portal with the Bhumata portal in the near future.