Suryakumar Yadav made a century in the Indian Premier League against Gujarat Titans on Friday. He scored an unbeaten 103 runs in 49 balls, including 11 boundaries and six sixes. Mumbai Indians made 218/5 after 20 overs of play. In the last seven innings, Suryakumar has scored 413 runs at an average of 68.33, striking at a rate of 202.45. He now has four fifties and one hundred in the ongoing season.
Suryakumar Yadav’s performance brought a lot of attention on social media. He was the first Mumbai Indians batter to score an IPL century at the Wankhede Stadium in 12 years. Virat Kohli also put up an Insta story about him. Gujarat Titans’ Rashid Khan said that “It is hard to bowl to him and some of the shots he played were unbelievable”.
The bond between Virat Kohli and Suryakumar Yadav is special. The Twitter reactions to Suryakumar’s performance were very positive and congratulated him on his achievement.