Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy has assured members of the Valmiki community that their request to be included in the ST (Scheduled Tribe) list is being reviewed by a committee. This committee was formed after Minister Reddy brought the issue to the attention of Chief Minister KCR during a meeting in Wanaparthy on October 7.
In Telangana, the Valmiki community is currently categorized under the BC (Backward Classes) list, while in Andhra Pradesh they are recognized as ST. Approximately 400,000 individuals are waiting for inclusion in the ST list.
During a meeting with Valmiki community representatives, Minister Reddy informed them that the state government has passed a resolution in the legislative assembly to increase the ST quota to 10% and include Valmikis in the list. However, there has been no response from the central government regarding this matter.
Former MP Ravula Chandrasekhar Reddy expressed support for the demand of Valmiki Boyas and stated that they deserve to be included in the ST list. He also commended Minister Reddy for his efforts to prevent food grain shortages in Telangana and ensure food security.
The meeting was attended by Wanaparthy constituency election coordinator Vangur Pramod Reddy, district president Gattu Yadav, Markfed Director Vijay Kumar, and other officials.
Singireddy believes Valmikis should be given ST status
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