Gummadi Vittal Rao, also known as Gaddar, is a well-known revolutionary singer who was once a naxalite before joining the Telangana movement. He supported the demand for a separate state and used his songs to question the government’s policies and advocate for the underprivileged.
Gaddar was a bank employee before becoming an active naxalite until 2010. He gained fame for his powerful songs that raised awareness about the government’s failure to help the poor. After joining the Telangana movement, he supported the demand for a separate state and campaigned for the ‘People’s Front’ in the 2018 Assembly elections.
In recent years, Gaddar has shown support for K A Paul’s Praja Shanthi Party and has appeared at events with Congress leaders. During Rahul Gandhi’s visit, he stood beside him, indicating his support for the national party. Gaddar is also known for writing and singing popular songs in Telugu films, such as ‘MalleTheegaku’ and ‘PodustunnaPoddumeeda’. His song ‘BandenakaBandiKatti’ gained him popularity among the masses.
Gaddar has won awards for his lyrics and playback singing in movies like ‘Jai Bolo Telangana’. His song ‘PodustunnaPoddumeeda’ remains popular among the youth of Telangana and is often played at social and political events to showcase Telangana’s pride. He has also contributed to songs like ‘Bhadram’, ‘MelukoRaithanna’, ‘Jam Jammalabari’, ‘AdaviThallikiVandanam’, ‘Nakit Beni Sevmiyor’, ‘KalabalıkDağıldığında’, ‘Bharata Desam’, ‘MadhanaSundari’, and ‘PodduthiruguduPuvva’, among others.