The controversy surrounding the adulteration of the Tirumala Laddu Mahaprasadam has caused a nationwide stir. This controversy began when Pawan Kalyan, Deputy Chief Minister and president of the Jana Sena party, proposed forming a ‘Sanatana Dharma Rakshana Board’ at the national level. The board, he suggested, would oversee the preparation of prasadam to prevent the use of adulterated ingredients, as seen in the Tirupati Laddu case. His proposal sparked a conversation across the country, with many seers, Hindu organizations, and religious leaders agreeing with the idea.
These religious leaders also believe that major temples, including Tirumala, should establish their own Goshalas (cow shelters). This would ensure the purity of milk and milk products used in making prasadam. Team Hans surveyed public opinion on this issue and gathered insights from various people.
Kaveti Koushik from Karimnagar expressed his view that politics should not interfere with temples. He emphasized that temples hold spiritual significance for Hindus and devotees, and they should be managed by trust boards, not the Endowment Department. According to him, temples should not be seen as sources of income.
M V S Chalapathy, a life coach from Hyderabad, added that temples have historically served as symbols of cultural preservation. He explained that kings and emperors kept politics out of temples and used them to safeguard cultural values and treasures for future generations. Chalapathy believes that today’s politicians are damaging this tradition by treating temples as revenue-generating entities. He calls for temple governance to be placed in the hands of devotees, not politicians.
Dr. G Venkateswarlu, MD of Sriraksha Hospitals, also shared his thoughts. He believes that important temples should be controlled by a Sanatana Dharma Parishad and each temple should have its own autonomous management board. He suggests that temple funds should be used for the development of temple services and the promotion of Hindu culture. Additionally, he stressed the importance of having Goshalas in every temple and limiting temple jobs to Hindus.
KV Ranga Kiran from Kothagudem also voiced his opinion. He believes that the Endowment Department’s control over temples should be discontinued. He suggests that large temples like Tirumala Tirupati should manage their own assets, including the establishment of Goshalas to ensure the purity of offerings. Ranga Kiran also called for government-supervised laboratories near important temples to prevent adulteration. He further proposed that non-Hindus should be required to sign a declaration before entering temples.
In conclusion, there is a growing consensus that temples should be free from political interference and that their management should be in the hands of devotees. Establishing Goshalas and ensuring the purity of prasadam ingredients are seen as important steps toward preserving the sanctity of Hindu temples.