Students from Jillada Banda village in Gadwal Mandal staged a protest on Tuesday because an RTC bus failed to stop at their village. They said this issue is making it hard for them to commute to schools and colleges in the district headquarters.
The students explained that relying on private vehicles is risky and often leads to accidents. They also mentioned that delays in reaching their schools and colleges are lowering their attendance. This, in turn, is making some students ineligible to appear for exams.
The problem is not limited to Jillada Banda. Nearby villages like Marlapalli and Sangala are also facing similar issues, as RTC buses do not stop there regularly. As a result, some students are being forced to drop out of school and stay at home.
The protesting students urged the district authorities to take immediate action. They requested regular bus services to their villages so they can continue their education without difficulties.