Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shiva Kumar has invited Telangana CM K Chandrashekhar Rao and Industry Minister KT Rama Rao to visit Karnataka and see how Congress has implemented its promises. He made this statement during a meeting in Tandur, where he was joined by TPCC president A Revanth Reddy and other senior leaders. Kumar said that BRS leaders have been criticizing the implementation of Congress promises in Karnataka, and he wants KCR and KTR to witness the progress firsthand.
Kumar also mentioned that when the Congress comes to power in Telangana, all sections of society will prosper. He emphasized that the party is committed to fulfilling six major guarantees. He pointed out that when the UPA government was in power, Congress delivered on its promises. He also questioned whether KCR fulfilled his promises made 10 years ago. Kumar stated that on December 9, the day Telangana was announced, Congress will form the government and implement all six guarantees for the well-being of the people.
Revanth Reddy, during the meeting, highlighted KCR’s recent statement about resting if he loses. Reddy interpreted this as a sign that Congress is on the path to power and suggested that once Congress comes to power, all the crimes committed by KCR and his family will be thoroughly investigated.
Kumar also inquired about the number of hours of power provided by KCR. He mentioned that while KCR claims to provide 24 hours of power, the actual hours are only 7-8 when visiting substations. He criticized KCR for exploiting lands around Hyderabad after Congress spearheaded developments in the city.