Telangana leaf artist Gundu Shiva Kumar has made a name for himself by carving 1,005 portraits on leaves, earning recognition from the High Range Book of World Records. He started his journey into leaf carving at the age of 29, inspired by videos he saw in class 9. Since then, he has become known for his intricate portraits, especially of freedom fighters.
Kumar aims to achieve a Guinness World Record and has already been acknowledged by India Records and the Telangana Book of Records for his talent. He has created around 2,000 art pieces on leaves, showcasing his dedication to this unique art form.
Using peepal leaves for his carvings, Kumar explained that these leaves are sacred and do not fade even after drying up. He has also tried carving on palm tree leaves and other tree leaves but found their survival lives to be too short.
It takes Kumar 15 minutes to one and a half hours to carve a portrait on a leaf. Many people have approached him after seeing his work on social media, requesting portraits of their loved ones as unique gifts for special occasions. He also offers online tutorial art classes for those interested in learning leaf carving.